画像生成 AI に重ね合わせることで、破壊と生成が行き来する様を描く作品。
拡散モデルは、画像生成 AI の 1 つであり、そのプロセスは画像データの拡散過程
(ノイズが加えられてデータが破壊される過程) の学習によって実現している。 実際に物質を土壌分解させ、その映像を AI による映像と対比することで、画像生成の新しい側面を映し出す。
This work depicts the interplay of destruction and creation by superimposing the process in which objects are broken down by soil microorganisms and then become fertile ground for new objects onto the diffusion model,
Diffusion model is a type of AI-based image generation, realized through learning the diffusion process of image data (in which noise is added, effectively destroying the data). By juxtaposing actual footage of physical decomposition in soil with AI-generated imagery, this piece highlights a new aspect of image generation.
In this installation, viewers are first diffused into a “sea of noise” using the same process as image generation. Then, using a diffusion model trained on the footage of soil decomposition, new images are generated.
Although the decomposition of matter by microorganisms appears to be a destructive process, it is in fact a creative one, providing the fertile soil for new forms to emerge.